Army Wife

Army Wife
Strength, Hope, and Prayer

Friday, February 11, 2011

The New year

Well so far my new year and all of its aspirations have not taken off so well. As you can tell I have been gone for sometime here.
First my daughter got pretty sick then we went out of town to Revolve Tour - Like Women of Faith for Teen Girls  it was awesome. TO be surrounded by that much love and Chirstitan Faith, to be moved by the songs and the skits. Purley magical i thought, plus Britt Nichole is always so much fun in concert, so is Hawk Nelson.
Then to top it off we got to see hubby that night and the next day. We had a great mini family vaca, not all the kids but it was nice one one one for my son and husband and for me & Maria.
So back home back to work I go, I come home w/ a major headache and I go to bed, for a week w/ the flu. So hubby comes to take care of me. I then drive him back to Texarkana (8 hrs) we have a wonderful trip there and a quiet dinner. Nice us time. The next day I am in excruciating pain go to the ER to find out I have gallstones, and my gallbladder is enraged and need to come out.. So here I am now stuck up here 8 hours away w/ my car and hubby cant leave school to take me home to my own dr. so I get mom to come get me and bring me home and in 2 days I was in same day surgery. Here we are now a week after that and I am recovering pretty well. Just sore like I have been kicked in the chest. But all and all I am doing better. I am looking at this as a positive step to better health.
Maybe some of my symptom are from this bad organ that was living in my body. Maybe my Fibro wont be so bad now, maybe the fatigue and exhaustion will be less.  I am sure that this had allot to do with my down sliding the past few months.
Tomorrow I am thinking of heading to the gym for a bit a walking on treadmill, then maybe some slight stretching and  mild yoga. My diet had been restricted quite a bit this past week so I am trying really hard not to go back to soda and junk food. Easier said then done when home all day I know but hopefully I have the strength to stick with it.
Well that's whats been going on, so I really need to get to work and make some money! I am ready to take on this new subdivision and sell!
Got a few parties booked for my Thirty-one gifts too so that should help off set a few things and take another headache off my plate.
Take care and God Bless Hugs & Luvs ,

PS pretty much stopped taking the Cymbalta cold turkey sorta, was to sick so waiting to see if I am good or need to still ween off of it- but only a few pills in about 3 weeks, so far so good!

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