Army Wife

Army Wife
Strength, Hope, and Prayer

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Crazy days

So I know its been a little while again since I last wrote, these past few weeks just flew by.
I am still in the retail business so you can imagine what that's been like. I have a new respect for anyone in the retail business.
Right now my realestate career is pretty much been on hold.  I have to focus on making money to get from month to month. I know in a few months things will be better but all I can do is focus on here and now. I will continue to work with the same company that I am currently with and help them manage the model home for the builder and hopefully I can assist other realtors in the area with open houses and such.
And I can tell you here an now I am wiped out and could sleep for days.  The exhaustion and fatigue is indescribable at this point. The pain is increasingly worse as the more stress and the harder I work the worse it is. But I just push through cause that's what I need to do and resting when I can.
 I am trying to get more sleep and I am eating better, trying to prepare snacks and making sure I have my water with me helps out and keeps me from spending money to eat each day.
  Hubby comes home today, I am so excited yet sad, the house is not in order to what I would like for him, we are you to the chaos and clutter, where he lives alone and is used to it slightly on the OCD side. This is not me. I live out of laundry baskets most of the time. I know it would be so much easier to just put it away, I have been trying and I want to. Just to tired , maybe lazy too. So, I look to just get through another week one day at a time.
  I am excited to see what the new year will bring us, I am still sadden by the fact that my husband will NOT be coming back to Ft Hood in May like we had expected. Oh, if  you didn't know he will be going to Korea for a year this summer. Good thing is he will be home for Lacey's graduation, but will miss yet another Christmas and Anniversary. But it also kept him from deploying again which is the main reason he chose to go there. I have done this for so many years and yet this seems to get harder and not easier, maybe I am not as strong as I was or maybe I am just plain sick of being alone.  In any case what choice do I have, I am an Army wife and mother and we will make it. 
Well thats all for now, take care of You.. Lots of Love and gentle hugs my friends. God Bless

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