Army Wife

Army Wife
Strength, Hope, and Prayer

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Well here it is, a year later, and once again I am have come to a place in my life that I feel I need to make some changes. These past few months have not been my best, I am more tire then ever and just have a serious case of the "I dont cares" and "I dont want to's" to which has caused me to be unreliable and undependable.
That saddens me, I am a hard worker, I will gove it my all each time- but I can't do it right now. It take more then you know just to get out of bed each day, to raise my arm to brush my hair (much less shower and try to wash it) the pain can be aweful.
Now that things have changed for me I need to change my way of thinking and working. I need to find a better way of doing things to keep myself from overdoing it.
After this school year I will not be active on as many committees, already dropping 2( I will not join each and every club, I have learned that things will go on even if there is an opening on the board or not ( it will function with out me) I cant give it my all, and if its not done right am I really doing anyone any good anyway?
So now that I have finally thought things out, hubby and I have discussed all of our options and this is where we are:
1) He will be going to Korea for a year, then back to Ft Hood Spring of 2012
2) We will keep the house a little longer (provided I find a steady job)
3) I must focus on my health first and work 2nd- even if I have to put my career on hold (kinda already has been anyway)
4) Getting into my Bible Study & Daily reading is a must, I am so disconnected from God right now and I need to strengthen that relationship
5) My kids still need structure, now more then ever- this is the year WE get it right.

1 comment:

  1. Its always a good thing to stop and evaluate your life especially with a chronic illlness.Sounds like you are going to regain control.
    I hope the new year brings new hope:)
